Howard Rubinow grew up in a Conservative Jewish home in Middletown, Connecticut in the 1960-70’s in a household consisting of both parents and five siblings. His father worked as a full-time musician while his mom remained at home focusing on the family.

He studied Floriculture at the State University of New York in Cobleskill, New York. During summer break in 1980, he took a course at a local community college where he met a young woman who shared the Gospel with him. At summer’s end, she encouraged him to read it when he returned to school. He obtained a Bible from the campus library and did so. In the Spring of 1981, he met a born-again Christian man on campus who shared the Truth with him and, subsequently, he asked Jesus into his heart. Thereafter, he graduated from the two-year program and became a florist. He worked in a variety of flower shops in Connecticut over the next decade. He consistently attended church and grew in his walk with Jesus. After water baptism, in 1982, his spirit came alive and he hungered to know the Bible even better and to walk in his new faith. In 1991, he changed careers and became an interior landscaper with several Connecticut companies.

He immigrated to Israel in 1998 and settled in Jerusalem. Upon arriving, he began studying Hebrew. In 2000, he worked part-time as the Landscape Gardner for the International Christian Embassy while also working full-time as the English Administrator for Israel Today magazine. Opportunities to travel to the nations came soon thereafter. In 2007, he received a full-time calling to the nations based on Psalm 2:8 and by 2009, he had ministered in four countries with full-time travel quickly following.

His ministry is called *Nations, Tribes, Peoples and Tongues*, as in Revelation 7:9. The Missionary Church International in Greenville, SC provides prayer support and his American non-profit status. In addition to his board, he maintains close relationships with several men and women in America and in Israel.

The Lord has graciously given him the ability to see into the realm of the Spirit, as well as the gift of discerning of spirits. He helps him to use these gifts, along with a strong foundation in the Scriptures, to counsel and pray for hurting people. They are often not aware of the root causes of their pain, confusion, dysfunction, depression, fear or anger. He prays with them, and helps them to identify and break off mental and emotional strongholds and falsehoods they have unknowingly absorbed. He teaches them how to repent with understanding, at a level that breaks off the bondages. He counsels them into the truths, promises and covenants of the Lord. Then he helps them find a path to begin to walk in obedience to the Lord, trusting in Him to complete the deliverance and healing. These gifts can operate in a group setting, which is his normal venue, or even at an individual level, on some occasions.

The Lord has taught him how to release destiny into people and even nations, through teaching the principles of Scripture, and then moving into prayer, intercession and ministry within the church. He believes in the restoration of all things, returning the hearts of the fathers and mothers to their children, including individual families, as well as restoring national covenants, such as bringing the Jew and Gentile together as One New Man.

He has travelled, ministered, taught and prayed in over 19 countries during the past twenty years; including the United States, Israel, Turkey, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Wales, England, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Holland, Malaysia, Australia, China, New Zealand, Mexico and Norway. Many of these countries he’s revisited on several occasions discipling men and women while remaining connected to the churches and ministries.


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